About Ecuador
General Facts
- Location: South America, on the Equator
- Area: 283.561 km2. (Including the Galapagos Archipelago and the territorial sea)
- Population: 15,6 million citizens (2014 Census)
- Official Language: Spanish & Quichua. People do speak English, especially Travel Services providers.
- Time Zone: -5 GMT Continent; -6 GMT Galapagos
- Currency: US Dollar.
- Geography: It has four very different regions: Galapagos, Pacific Coast, Andes, and Amazon. It is divided into 24 provinces.
- It’s the country with the highest diversity per square Km
- Nearly 20% of its territory consists of protected areas
- It has National Parks recognized by UNESCO (Galapagos; Sangay)
- Diversity within its citizens, with nearly 13 indigenous nationalities, mestizos, Afro Ecuadorians, caucasians, etc.
- Cultural Patrimonies
- Ancestral and Contemporary culture
- Ecuador, a destination where you can practice most adventure sports as well as experience lighter adventures.
- Ecuador has cities that are recognized as World Heritage Patrimonies by UNESCO, such as Quito & Cuenca.
- It also has cities that are recognized as models for Human Development and Urban Regeneration such as Guayaquil.
- Beach Cities and Ports, cities and Andean towns, and Amazon populations with unique characteristics.
- Ecuador Train
- Bird Watching
- Whale Watching
- Meetings, Incentives, Congresses and Events
- Other Interests…
- National and International Gastronomy
- Crafts and Typical Products
- Current Fashion